Thursday, July 28, 2011

Amy Winehouse. Find peace, you will live on here.

So a lot has happened since I last blogged.
     Amy Winehouse died.  I'm not sure how many other people were saddened by this, but I was.  I enjoyed her music and thought she was an amazing talent.  She had her problems, maybe not enough help, but I personally was hoping for her to overcome and get back on top.  The cause of her death is still unknown even after an autopsy.  They (the people following the story including me) are waiting for the toxicology results to come in to see if the expected is true, that she overdosed on a crazy cocktail of drugs and alcohol.
     In the last year or two, I read multiple stories of how she was trying to overcome her problems and doing pretty well at it.  I was not personally around her so I do not know how she was doing.  Rumors were she was trying to get off the drugs, and I know she got the breast implants for self-esteem and I read that they helped.  I'd like to find out that she was cleaning up, and finished the album she was working on that she was having trouble with writing for, and that she died from natural causes or the results of the life she'd lived that were already there and was trying to get out of.
     Her death did bring about some recognition for those suffering from drug addiction and some urge for the people who love them to help them overcome their addictions.  Russell Brand wrote an amazing piece about Amy and addiction.  If you haven't read it yet, I recommend it.  It's located on his website.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really know a lot about Amy, so it's hard for me to have a strong opinion one way or the other on her death. I'm certainly not happy she's dead, but thousands of people deal with the problems she had all over the world WITHOUT the money and support she had at her disposal. So it's hard for me to feel bad for her. That said, RIP Ms. Winehouse...
