Thursday, September 22, 2011

We're All In This Together.

I support Lady Gaga more than most people would expect of me, but I'm not sure what she's doing calling for a meeting with the President over bullying.  I understand its a problem because kids are killing themselves, but there's a lot going on right now, and I don't see it becoming a top tier topic right now.  Although, she did hold the press conference on Don't Ask Don't Tell, and its over now.  So maybe I'm wrong here.  Maybe she has more political power than I think.

"Bullying" has been a buzzword in the media for the past year, at least, maybe longer.  It has been around forever, though.  I'm not sure if its just becoming more popular due to media coverage or if kids are assholes more now or what.  It seems we hear about more kids who would prefer to die rather than put up with it until they can get away from the situation.

It Gets Better is a project to tell kids that things will get better, that no matter how bad things are now, they will improve.  If nothing else, they will have more important things to worry about.  I think this project is good and will hopefully influence young people who are miserable into not killing themselves or cutting or whatever they (plan to) do to themselves.

Lady Gaga has called to make bullying illegal.  This seems like a hard thing to do.  Some of it could definitely be prevented and and lessened, but some of it will happen anyway.  The Nation is dealing with a lot of different things right now, and while i'm in favor of preventing bullying, I also believe there are better ways to go about this without the government right now.

We as people, should start keeping an eye out for signs.  Parents and teachers could pay more attention.  I'm sure many do a fine job, but I'm also sure there are some slacking off and even probably just letting things happen because they don't want to deal with it.  We can all show a little compassion for our fellow man and be better role models for those who look up to us.  Whether we want to be or not, we're all role models.  There is someone who looks up to us and we affect them in one way or another.  We should show younger people to embrace differences and learn from each other instead of pushing others away and holding them down.  "I get by with a little help from my friends" is what the Beatles said.  We could all use some help from time to time, so we should be there for each other and not just expect people to be there for us when we need it.

All bullying does is push others away.  It should be stopped, but I feel our elected officials can deal with some other things right now.  Don't let your kids be assholes.  Help them to understand that we're all in this together.

And if you're being bullied, keep your head up.  Things will get better and you'll have more important things to worry about.  Just be yourself and try find ways to better your situation.  I understand involving adults may not always work and it may just complicate things, but tell someone about it.  Talking to others can help.  You may find someone going through similar experiences with some good advice.  We're all different so embrace it.

Stay fresh and Keep Calm,

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