Summertime is just around the corner. It's time to prepare your body's for less coverage and prepare your sensory organs for quality entertainment.
With Coachella going on this weekend, the Summer Festival Season is already starting. Hipsters and music lovers are all preparing for their festival(s) of choice. I'm looking forward to attending Lollapalooza in August, but there's a lot of time between now and then.
I watched sets by Jake Bugg and Stars at Coachella on Youtube yesterday. I was very impressed by Jake Bugg. I'd been hearing about him for awhile, but wrote him off for whatever reason and didn't actually check him out. I'm disappointed I did this. He looks like a normal, young dude (he's 19). I guess I assumed he was like one of those kids that get played on Disney Radio or something, but he's not. He's a British kid who grew up with musical parents and has a throwback rock sound similar to the Rolling Stones and lists influences like Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash and the Everly Brothers. Check out "Lightning Bolt".
Other music I've been into a lot lately (and looking forward to see at Lollapalooza) are Haim, Shovels and Rope, Charles Bradley and Frightened Rabbit. Shovels and Rope I discovered after the Lolla list and then found out they were in the line-up. They're a very good folk/country duo formed made up of a married couple who switch instruments and just seem to enjoy themselves a lot. Check out "Birmingham".
Haim is a band I've been pumped about since I discovered them a couple of months ago. It's like Paul Simon had 3 daughters and raised them on Fleetwood Mac. I urge you to check them out, so enjoyable. Check out "Forever".
Charles Bradley is the "Screaming Eagle of Soul". He was born in 1948, so he's seen his share of life. And from his music you can tell he's felt his share of struggle. He's been taking off recently, and it's no surprise with how the American economy has been the past few years. There is so much emotion and soul in his voice, anyone can feel the pain and relate to the struggle he sings about. Check out "No Time For Dreaming" and "It's So Hard".
I've been a huge fan of Frightened Rabbit for years and am super excited about finally getting a chance to see them. They're a Scottish indie-rock band that may not appeal to the masses, but they appeal very strongly to me. Check out "The Twist" and "Swim Until You Can't See Land".
Feel free to let me know about any music you're currently jamming or looking forward to seeing. I'm always looking for new music of all kinds to listen to.
Stay Fresh,